Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart

Free Yourself From the Bonds of the Past

By Dr. Marie Mbouni

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In Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart, medical doctor and energy healer Marie Mbouni teaches us how to identify the five wounds of the heart, recover from the trauma they create, and live a full, whole-hearted life.

Marie Mbouni grew up in Cameroon, Africa, and always felt a calling to be a healer. “My journey,” she writes, “began with Western medicine, and I built a career many would be proud of—but inside, I felt dead. My quest for self-discovery saved me. I embraced a new calling as a shaman and energy healer.”

After working with hundreds of clients, Mbouni noticed a strong pattern emerging. Nearly everyone had been wounded by experiencing one or more of five emotional traumas: abandonment, betrayal, separation, denial, and judgment. “Although we receive these wounds as children,” she writes, “they continue to play out in our adult lives, causing us to unconsciously seek out endless variations on the original painful experience.”

While we cannot change the past, we can heal ourselves by responding to our present situations in new ways. In Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart, Marie Mbouni gives you the tools to do precisely that. By trusting in your own awareness, imagination, creativity, and courage, you can heal the wounds of your heart and achieve wholeness, ease, and good health.

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Healing the Five Wounds of the Heart

About the Author

Marie Mbouni, MD, is a shaman, energy healer, and artist. She was born and raised in Cameroon, Africa, before relocating to Los Angeles in 2000. Her mission is to help others experience healing in all aspects of life. Connect with her at 

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