Awaken Your Inner Fire

Your Inner Fire is the vital energy within you, the unseen force that gives life to your being. Perhaps because this energy can't be measured in a lab, many people live without any idea of its existence, or the importance of tending to it.

In this groundbreaking book, best-selling author HeatherAsh Amara introduces you to the fundamentals of your Inner Fire, and explains how the four major aspects of your being--the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical--all interact with this powerful energy.

Amara teaches that when you view these four aspects through the lens of your Inner Fire, you can radically change how you think, feel, and live in the world. In these pages, you'll find practices, meditations, and explorations to put the concepts to work in your life.

By tending to your Inner Fire, you will learn how to:

  • Find your true work in the world, regardless of any job you do or role you play.
  • Use your Inner Fire as your own personal North Star, allowing it to guide you when making important decisions.
  • Move beyond busyness, stress, and overwhelm and live in joyous creation
  • Implement a new daily practice to live in balance no matter what life brings.

Learning how to tend your Inner Fire in a world that is constantly trying to hook your attention is a challenge--but this book invites you to take new perspective on who you are and how you relate to the world.

About the Author:

HeatherAsh Amara is a teacher, guide, and author of numerous books. As the founder of the Toltec Center for Creative Intent (, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the Toltec tradition and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz.

Warrior Goddess Wisdom

A Daily Dose of Warrior Goddess Power

HeatherAsh Amara's Warrior Goddess Training has helped thousands of women all over the world harness their divine feminine energy and take control of their lives. In Warrior Goddess Wisdom, Amara has created a package of daily encouragement and insight to help you progress on your own Warrior Goddess path. Each page contains a quote, a reflection, and a daily action or mantra, all of which are designed to guide you back to supporting yourself, finding your inner truth, and deepening your self-love.

"Let this book of daily inspirations be a guide and friend that is always there when you need support. Let it help you peel back the layers of everything that is not you to reveal the core essence of your radiant, powerful, and authentic Warrior Goddess self."

— HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara is the founder of Toci—the Toltec Center of Creative Intent—and the author of a number of books including the 'Warrior Goddess Training' series.

She brings an openhearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings, which are a rich blend of Toltec wisdom, European shamanism, Buddhism, and Native American ceremony.

She lives in Austin, Texas, and travels extensively.

Visit her at

A Little Book on Big Freedom

Air | Fire | Water | Earth

The four primordial elements not only inform our physical lives, but they are also potent symbols for aspects of our inner selves. When we learn to harness their power correctly, they can lead us toward radical personal transformation, or what best-selling author HeatherAsh Amara refers to as Big Freedom.

Drawing on her extensive background in European and Toltec shamanism, Amara deftly explores each of the four elements and explains how they relate to your inner world:

Packed with exercises and meditations at the end of each chapter, this book offers a clear path to finding your own Big Freedom, one that involves tearing down any inner walls made of fear, judgment, or regret, and building a profound friendship with your truest self.

The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change

Change is a constant, defining characteristic of life.

Seasons change, weather changes, leaves change, and so do people. In HeatherAsh Amara’s The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change, we are encouraged to embrace the changes in our lives and create the kind of change that we want to see in ourselves and our world.

The Four Elements- air, fire, water and earth—all carry specific properties and functions that can lead to a complete life transformation along the Toltec path.

  • Air represents our mental body, and grants clear perceptions once we shift our focus from the negativity surrounding us to the love and gratitude that lie just below the surface.
  • Fire, the energetic body, gives us the opportunity to clean out the agreements, behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve us, so that we can make room for new, beneficial connections.
  • Water, the emotional body, encourages us to open to new things, people and experiences. By staying open, we can gracefully accept what life brings while still working to create our own changes.
  • Earth, the physical body, acts to nourish us from the inside out, proving again that both beauty and health start from within.

It is through HeatherAsh’s carefully composed instruction and guidance that we can use the Four Elements of Change to navigate the Toltec Path into our Divine center, where comparison and judgment drop away, and we can meet ourselves as the beautiful beings that we were meant to be.

About the Author:

HeatherAsh Amara is a teacher, guide, and author of numerous books. As the founder of the Toltec Center for Creative Intent (, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the Toltec tradition and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz.

No Mistakes

When we are going through a difficult period in our lives or dealing with a crisis, many people will tell us things like “Everything happens for a reason” or “behind every gray cloud, there is a silver lining.” But when we’re in the midst of such periods, these age-old saying can be difficult to believe…

That’s where this book comes in: it offers proof!

No Mistakes: How You Can Change Adversity Into Abundance features thirty inspiring personal stories, each contributed by a different author, that show how some of their darkest moments ultimately led to their greatest blessings, illustrating that synchronicities and miracles can be found even in the most heartbreaking situations.

No Mistakes offers readers a chance to look beyond the mentality of “why is this happening to me?” and instead invites readers to ask themselves “how does this situation serve my higher good?”

About the Authors

Madisyn Taylor– As a best-selling author and co-founder and editor in chief of the popular inspirational website, Madisyn Taylor is a recognized leader in self-help and New Thought spirituality.

Sunny Dawn Johnston– The author of the best-selling book, Invoking the Archangels: A Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul, Sunny Dawn Johnston is an inspirational teacher, author, and motivational speaker.

HeatherAsh Amara– As the author of The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change, HeatherAsh Amara teaches around the country with her mentor and friend don Miguel Ruiz.

Warrior Goddess Training

Women often fall into the habit of putting others before themselves– partners, friends, family, children, and while they can move mountains to accomplish things for their loved ones, there can be a vacant hole left where they once held their own Warrior Goddess power.   HeatherAsh Amara coaches women to reclaim the Warrior Goddess energy that they have lost by undergoing physical, spiritual and emotional training to unchain the inner strength inherent in every woman.

HeatherAsh Amara challenges women to:

  • Venture outside of set traditions and agendas to find what truly speaks to you
  • Combat fear and doubt with resilience and ferocity
  • Reclaim your power and vibrancy by releasing the old idea that you need something outside of yourself to feel complete (partner, children, career etc.)
  • Demonstrate your strength with compassion and fierce love.

HeatherAsh’s approach draws on the wisdom from Buddhism, Toltec wisdom, and ancient earth-based goddess spirituality.  As a long-time student of don Miguel Ruiz and a world-traveler, HeatherAsh has versatile training in many different philosophies, which allows her to weave intricate threads of each of these spiritual traditions into a beautiful, cohesive tapestry.

Her teachings, interlaced with personal stories, rituals and exercises for Warrior-Goddesses-In-Training, encourage women to begin their own journey towards unleashing the power of their inner Warrior Goddess.

About the Author:

HeatherAsh Amara is a teacher, guide, and author of numerous books. As the founder of the Toltec Center for Creative Intent (, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the Toltec tradition and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz.

Warrior Goddess Training Companion Workbook

Transformation requires action.

Let this book be your companion.
In Warrior Goddess Training, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provided the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough. Direct, honest and unapologetic, Warrior Goddess Training has helped thousands of women release layers of expectations to reveal the authentic, perceptive, perfect person within.

In this Warrior Goddess Training Companion Workbook, you can practice putting this knowledge into action. Read it simultaneously with Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be, or after you’ve completed the primary book. It will accompany you as you build your self-esteem, rev up your inner power, and take new, authentic actions in the world on your way to becoming a Warrior Goddess.
This workbook features an expanded discussion of the ten main lessons and exercises from Warrior Goddess Training, over twenty brand-new exercises, plus an in-depth Q&A section where the author addresses the most common obstacles women face on the Warrior Goddess path.

Let this book be a beacon that illuminates the hidden places within you, that shines bright like the sun on any old fears and unhealthy patterns, and helps you burn away your limitations and struggles to reveal the Warrior Goddess within.

About the Author:

HeatherAsh Amara is a teacher, guide, and author of numerous books. As the founder of the Toltec Center for Creative Intent (, she has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the Toltec tradition and taught extensively with don Miguel Ruiz.

The Warrior Goddess Way

Learn the Way of the Warrior Goddess

Since its publication a short time ago, HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Training has become much more than just a book―its ten lessons have inspired thousands of women around the world to reclaim their power, their passion, and their freedom. In this much anticipated follow-up, The Warrior Goddess Way, Amara goes deeper, revealing three additional pillars of Warrior Goddess living that readers can apply to travel further down this sacred path: Wisdom, Authenticity, and Yes!

  • Wisdom arises naturally when we learn to listen. Not to the voices in our head, but the voices in our cells, our natural discernment, and our creative knowing.
  • Authenticity is embracing your vulnerability, your silliness, and owning all your superpowers. It’s accepting and loving what is, not what “should be.”
  • Yes! is about celebrating everything. All the time. (Even your greatest defeats.)

In exploring these three pillars, Amara delves into topics such as forgiveness, relationships, and finding your inner stillness. You will learn the art of maintaining emotional balance, cultivating self-respect, practicing heartfelt communication, and the power of consciously embracing life’s beginnings and endings. Like Warrior Goddess Training, this book is packed full of exercises and explorations designed to help you integrate the Warrior Goddess Way into your everyday life.

You CAN learn to enjoy everything you do. Your potential for dancing through life is waiting to be awakened. Live the Warrior Goddess Way and claim the woman you are destined to be.